Full time Full-Stack Developer. Part time Technical Support Engineer @Microverse, USA.



Open to new full-stack development opportunities in Tech Companies & Startups.

I am a curious person who always pays attention to technical/skills situation around me. I so much believe in using technologies like Ruby On Rails, ReactJs & NodeJs to make the world a better place.

My first professional job, I was given the opportunity to be a part of a team that built websites and applications for businesses where I added some new features to help improve client engagement and retention.

I'm currently a full-stack developer and I am looking for my next full-time web developer role and I look forward to learning new technologies and also deepen my knowledge in my current skills.

My technical proficiencies include:
Frameworks and libraries: React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, NodeJS
Tools: Git version control, Linux, Heroku, Pair programming
Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite3, MongoDB
Languages: Javascript, Ruby, HTML, CSS/SASS
Testing: Jest, RSpec, Capybara
Documentation: Swagger



An front-end web application that will help organize and manage books.
Live Link || Source Code
Bootstrap, JavaScript (ES6), React, Redux.


Weather App

A weather web app to check for weather status, make use of the live link to open the app and input the name of the city you will love to check.
Live Link || Source Code
JavaScript (ES6), OpenweatherAPI, Axios, Webpack.


Battleship Game

Giving our childhood game a modern look ! ES6 modular patterns for clean and DRY code along with full testing suite using Jest.
Live Link || Source Code
JavaScript (ES6), Webpack, Jest.


Lagos, Nigeria


Oluwaseun Bello's Portfolio - Gatsby Template By Anubhavsrivastava